When it comes to advertising your listings, you of course have the obvious 2 behemoth real estate websites realestate.com.au and domain.com.au, but what about finding those clients to increase your listings?
This is where the importance of your own real estate website is more important than ever. Local search is fast becoming the most important niche aspect of any website design especially for small business that rely on the community around them as their clientele.
Google's most recent update to their search algorithm has placed great emphasis on speed. How quickly does your website load on both desktop and mobile?
Open this website to see what score your existing website gets, https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
it will open in a new page.
How did you do? Anything below 60 could be costing you money in lost business.
When it comes to local search, you need to have every trick you can get in your arsenal. That's why we developed a unique template designed especially for real estate. Built in code that will optimise your images based on the screen they load on, web app technology to load pages instantly when loaded on mobile phones, pages that respond directly to the screen size they load on.
Take a look at this template that we can customise to your liking for your listings or agencies portfolio
What's more it's easy for you and your team to update in a flash from a PC or mobile.
If you're ready to boost your listings portfolio and appear more often in local search, get in contact today by booking a consultation below.
We're designing websites for real estate and more all including the Progressive Web Apps
and lightening fast load times.
All from only $55/m plus one off setup fee of $550inc GST
Website design specialists for businesses on the Central Coast NSW.
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