Blog Post

Creating a logo for your business

Ted Edwards • 2 July 2021

I'm very happy to announce a special partnership between Irez and BuildMyLogo. Having tried out their easy to use logo creator, I have to say it's intuitiveness and ease is brilliant. Better yet, as part of our partnership, BML will offer a great discount using my link.

cheap logo maker online

Over the years I've seen hundreds of logo creators both online and off, all of which were pretty much useless. To be honest when I first came across BuildMyLogo co I wasn't expecting any better.

Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised, it was easily the best online logo maker I've ever seen and used. The process is simple:

  1. Enter your company or brand
  2. The AI will do it's magic and create scores of examples for you to go through and shortlist
  3. Make final touches to your preferred logo

That's it! There really is nothing to it, it's just so easy. It's free to jump on and try, you only pay once you're happy with the result and ready to receive your own copies of it. Several versions of various sizes, backgrounds, colour variations etc or pay a little extra and receive vector copies as well, perfect for large size printing.

The beauty of it all is you get a discount by using our special link

Discount Logo Creation
custom logo creation

Who Can Benefit From This Logo Creator?

Anyone really, it doesn't matter if you're looking for a change of current situation or just starting out in business and need something to get you kick started.

Now I'm not going to blow wind up anyone's skirt by saying you're going to get professional graphic designer photoshop level results here, this isn't putting the pro's out of business just yet. When you're business is well established and you can afford the thousands of dollars a fully custom logo will cost, than by all means take that route.

How Much Does A Logo Cost?

With even the all inclusive package is under $50 with my discount, even less with the web only package. It's a brilliant way to get yourself started and you can make as many changes as you want before putting down your precious hard earned.

All in all, I'm extremely happy with my discussions with the team from BML and of course the product itself, which is why I'm pleased to forward them on to you to give them a chance.

Give It A Try

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