Blog Post

Should I Upload Videos To YouTube?

Ted Edwards • 20 August 2019

Is it worth your time posting to YouTube or just Facebook?

upload youtube videos

The short answer is, unequivocally YES!

Here's some stats that explain why:

But Facebook has more users

cool story

Sure, when standing around the water cooler, everyone talks about what they saw on Facebook last night, but are they the audience you're chasing? Maybe, probably not. How many likes does your Facebook page have, that's your primary audience right there plus some shares of your content. Even then you're still at the whim of what the Facebook algorithm wants to show you. Now compare that to your search audience on Google Search which includes YouTube videos or simply the YouTube audience alone.

Sure you're still at the whim of Search Engine Ranking, but at least you have the audience, now it's just up to you to create the content worth watching.

Now all this may seem like i'm not a fan of Facebook, privacy concerns aside, not true. However I certainly wouldn't utilise it as a primary video platform. If anything, for video, you'd be better off on Instagram than actual Facebook.

Which social network is the best?

There's no one sure fire winner for any business to utilise overall. In fact any successful business growth strategy will include a combination of website plus a selection of social networks. It's not necessary to be on all of them, but you should be utilising the big guns. That is Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. This may vary depending on your niche or service and you may find Snapchat is more your audience, Pinterest or even LinkedIn.

The trick is finding out what works best for you, but if you haven't tried them all, you may never realise your full potential.

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